Friday 27 January 2017

Why It Is Important to wear a seat belt?

The basic concept of a seat belt is to protect you in an automobile collision by holding you in your seat. This prevents you from flying forward and colliding with the dashboard or windshield. Although you are still flung forward by the force of a crash, the seat belt is soft and fits over your rib cage and pelvis, which can absorb the force with little or no damage.

A seat belt can be extended and can also retract when needed. If you lean forward in your car seat, the belt extends enough to allow the movement. However, if the car crashed, it would tighten up enough to keep you firmly in place. This is because the belt is connected to something called a retractor mechanism.

A car crash test showing damage of not wearing seat belt

This mechanism contains a spring and spool that work together to keep the belt snug while still allowing movement. There is also a locking mechanism that is triggered when a car slows or stops abruptly, as it would in a crash. That is why your seat belt may sometimes tighten if you break suddenly.

According to a WHO report, India has the highest number of road deaths in the world, 1,05,725 deaths in 4,00,000 accidents, followed by China (96,611), the US (42,642) and Russia (35,972). Of these deaths, 25% can be avoided by wearing seat belts. 

The effectiveness of wearing seat belt

While seatbelts do occasionally contribute to serious injury or death, nearly all safety experts agree that buckling up dramatically increases your chances of surviving an accident. According to the NHTSA, seat belts reduce the risk of death for a front seat car occupant by about 50 percent.

Let's all thank Mr. Nils Bohlin, a Volvo engineer who invented the seat belt and saved about a million lives.

Your body is a projectile so buckle up.

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