Monday 30 January 2017

Ford is against the Trump Travel Ban Policy

Ford Motor Company's top two executives executive, chairman Bill Ford Jr. and CEO Mark Fields came out against the travel ban imposed this weekend by President Trump.

In a Email sent to ford employees chairman Bill Ford Jr. and CEO Mark Fields said "Respect for all people is a core value of Ford Motor Company, and we are proud of the rich diversity of our company here at home and around the world. That is why we do not support this policy or any other that goes against our values as a company."

The executives also mentioned that they were unaware of any Ford workers affected by the travel ban, which suspends all refugees and also restricts entry into the United States from certain countries.

"We will continue working to ensure the well-being of our employees by promoting the values of respect and inclusion in the workplace," the Ford and Fields statement said.

The Trump administration said the executive order is needed to fortify national security. It triggered protests at airports around the country over the weekend and drew opposition from some government and international leaders. CNN reported that the Justice Department would not enforce the order in court, according to a directive from Acting Attorney General Sally Yates. Trump fired her hours later.

Meanwhile, the United Auto Workers also came out against Trump's policy. In a statement, union chief Dennis Williams said: "We must protect national security while remaining true to the very values that have made us a great nation. UAW opposes discrimination of any kind and denounces any policy that judges people based on their religion or nation of origin."

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